Best Practices


 I. Title: Students Social Responsibility through Extension Services 


  1.  To help the students to be agents of social change.
  2.  To inculcate in students a sense of fraternity, equality, and unity.
  3.  To develop civic sense among students and mould them to be socially committed citizens.
  4.  To enhance students' holistic growth through practical learning.

The Practice:

SCHE extends humanitarian/service related social engagements through various clubs to allow students to take up active role in their holistic growth and carry out social responsibilities. Such initiatives include:

(i) Bread for the hungry: 

This is an initiative started in 2019, to feed the homeless, the working poor families and the elderly, in and around Dimapur. This is done every semester and motivates the students to give voluntarily, and instil in them a heart for charity. Every member of the college comes together to share at least one packed meal prepared from home and distribute to those in need. This collective effort is a small step to alleviate hunger and bring the community closer. 

 (ii) Blood Donation: 

 The college conducts annual blood donation camp in collaboration with the District civil hospital to conscientize the students about the health benefits of donating blood regularly. Doctors are invited to speak on the occasion and they encourage the students to know the role they can play in saving lives. 

 (iii) Visitation Programmes: 

 The institution organises visitation programmes through clubs and departments. Bosco, NSS, and Red Ribbon Clubs regularly visit orphanages, jails, old age homes, hospitals and rehabilitation centres. Charitable Donors, a voluntary initiative by students, engage in charitable works like clothes donation, feeding the poor, etc. 

Evidence of Success: 

  1. The various extension services help in building a closer relationship with the community and teach important values to the students. 
  2. SCHE has been able to build constructive relations with various village communities, tribal bodies and professional entities through the involvement of the students, staff and the institution. 
  3. The college is a registered member of the District Hospital Blood Bank and has collaborated with them to organize blood donation camps.
  4. SCHE has received recognitions from various authorities for the humanitarian services rendered. 


II. Title: Green Campus Initiatives Objectives: 

  1. To promote sustainable solutions and conserve ecological system and resources within the campus. 
  2. To promote a safe, green and clean environment by planting and preserving trees. 
  3. To teach the students proper waste management and disposal methods. 
  4. To set an example for the neighbourhood on the importance of preservation of green environment. 
  5. To create awareness among the students and staff about the importance of maintaining clean and pollution-free environment for a healthy living. 

The Practice:  

SCHE is committed to ensure an eco-friendly campus for the well being of the students, faculties and society at large. Some of the positive steps taken for the promotion of these commitments are mentioned below. 

(i) Landscaping with Trees and Plants: 

 The campus is surrounded by different varieties of trees and plants maintaining a well balanced bio- diversity. A flower garden is maintained in the open land space to make the campus more clean and beautiful. 

(ii) Cleaning of College Campus: 

 Besides the regular cleaning of the campus on a daily basis various clubs take initiative to clean the entire campus through social work at least twice in every semester. The college also takes initiatives to segregate solid and liquid wastes and dispose of it accordingly. A compost pit is also maintained by the Eco club for waste management. 

(iii) Plantation Drive: 

 Various tree plantation programs are being organized at the college campus and surrounding village through NSS and Eco club. Such drives include planting of various types of indigenous and medicinal plant species. 

(iv) Ban on Use of Plastics: 

The college discourages the usage of plastic in the campus and promotes the usage of various safe alternatives that will not hamper the eco friendly environment of the campus. 

(v) Observing World Environment Day: 

 World Environment Day is observed by the college every year to create awareness and promote the importance of conserving our environment. The Eco club takes the initiative to plant tree samplings in and around the campus to strengthen environmental consciousness. 

Evidence of Success: 

  1. The college is maintaining an eco-friendly ambience which is driven by the preservation and conservation of the environment creating a green umbrella around the campus. 
  2. Varieties of trees including fruit trees and medicinal plants are found in the campus. 
  3. Water in the campus is well managed including the residue from the water filters which are used for watering the flower and vegetable garden. 
  4. SCHE secured Green audit certificate from the Pollution Control Board of Nagaland . 
  5. Usage of solar power in the campus as an alternate source of energy. 
  6. The Energy audit has been completed by a competent authority. 
  7. Water was been tested and certified to be safe for drinking. 
  8. The students have been successfully sensitized in the overall practice and benefits of maintaining a clean and green campus.