Library Rules and Regulations

1. Membership:

  • The membership of the library is open to the students and teachers of Salesian College of Higher Education, Dimapur
  • The membership may be extended to other persons with reference, for a fee of ₹ 700/-
  • On your first visit to the library, submit two stamp-size photographs for the purpose of making library identity cards, along with a photocopy of college identity card
  • All the library users will be provided with two library identity cards each with a stamp-size photo affixed
  • On entering the library, you are kindly requested to submit an identity card to the circulation desk
  • No users without their library card will be allowed to access the facilities of the library

2. Consultation in the Library:

  • On entry into the library the library users are requested to submit one identity card, and sign in the library log-book at the counter without fail
  • Books are to be left on the desk after consultation. The library users should not place them back on to the racks
  • Maintaining a quiet atmosphere is expected from all library users, as the library is a place of learning and research where concentration is vital. The library users need to be mindful of other library patrons and refrain from any discussion
  • To ensure the safety and security of our library materials and resources, we do not allow bags or backpacks to be brought into the library. Users are encouraged to leave their bags in the places designated by the library. (Exceptions may be made for small bags or purses that can be carried by hand, but they are subject to inspection by library staff.)
  • Please note that the library staff is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings. We appreciate the cooperation of all in helping us maintain a safe and secure environment for all library users. In the same way, umbrellas, shawls in winter, personal text books, magazines, journals, etc., are not allowed in the library.

3. Borrowing Rules:

  • Only students and teachers of Salesian College of Higher Education are allowed to borrow library materials
  • It is mandatory for students to bring library card in order to access and checkout(borrow) library resources
  • A library user is allowed to borrow a maximum of two books, for a duration of one week ,for faculty two week.
  • They are kindly requested to ensure that they return all library materials on time to avoid overdue fines and allow others to have access to the same resources.
  • If in case the library users need to renew an item, they are asked to approach the circulation desk. No further renewal is permitted, after two weeks.
  • A fine of ₹ 10/- per day will be imposed for any delay in renewing or returning books. To avoid incurring fines, we kindly request that you approach the librarians to clarify the return date for any library materials borrowed.
  • In the event that borrowed items are not returned within one week after the due date, library users will not be able to borrow any books for a duration of one month (or for a time period determined by the Librarian). Additionally, further appropriate punitive actions may be taken by the Librarian
  • The issue and return of books will be from 1.15 – 3.00 pm, only on weekdays (during the working days)

4. General Rules / Instructions:

  • The library users may take with them a copy book or loose sheets of paper for consultation/reference only
  • As the reference section of the library contains valuable and often unique materials that are not available for borrowing, these books and materials are for in-library use only and must be handled with care. The reference section of the library includes the generalities, multi-volume books, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and other sections which may be declared so by the librarian from time to time
  • On the loss of the identity, the Librarian must be informed without delay. Duplicate cards may be issued on payment of ₹ 100/- per card
  • Refrain from marking or tearing pages in books. All library materials, including books, periodicals, and furniture, should be handled with the utmost care. Any damage to the property or library materials will be addressed seriously
  • In the unfortunate event that a library book or material is damaged or lost, we kindly ask that the library user to inform the staff as soon as possible. The concerned library user will have to make good the damage by bearing the full cost of securing the replacement. A fine will be assessed based on the cost of the book and its condition, as determined by the Librarian. Please note that the cost of replacing a lost or damaged book may also include any processing or shipping fees incurred by the library. We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of all in helping us maintain our collection for future users
  • The reference facility of the library may be offered to external library users/research scholars, etc., on the discretion of the Librarian, and that too only on availing a temporary membership in the library on payment of the fee required for the same. This membership is strictly for 12 months only and is subject to renewal. In some urgent cases, the users may be allowed to borrow a book at the sole discretion of the Librarian. A security deposit will be determined for availing such a facility
  • The users in the library are kindly requested to avoid bringing food or drinks into the library to prevent spills or stains on library materials. Water in a clear, spill-proof container is usually allowed, but the users need to be mindful of the surroundings and take care not to disturb others
  • The users are asked not to hesitate to approach the library staff or the Librarian if they need assistance or have any concerns
  • The use of electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones is not permitted in the library, at present. This policy has been put in place to maintain a quiet and distraction-free environment for all library users. The electronic devices, like mobile phones, if carried into the library in their personal pockets, are expected to be in the silent mode.
  • The library staff and the Librarian reserve the right to ask users to leave the library or the campus if any misbehaviour is deemed disruptive to others. We appreciate the cooperation of all the library users, staff and users in helping us maintain a productive and respectful environment for all library users
  • Readers need to resolve all library materials before leaving the college on completion of the course.